Finally! The Buffalo has returned from pasture. It's the day after Christmas '08. It is quite clear now that the manipulations I suspected have seen some light. We now know who the manipulators are and they have made it obvious what they want (e.g. your money, your property, your soul, your mind, and any other thing of value they can squeeze from you). Since my last time here gas went to almost $5.00 a gallon. Housing values have fallen dramatically as well as the buying power of the dollar. The economy has been structured to fail and we the real people have been tapped to pay for it even if it takes all eternity. It's not looking good for anybody.
As far as I can tell the People of the US have voted in a leader that is illegitimate to go along with all the banker and investment fraud we have accepted as de rigueur.
Still no solution from me other than cast off the bastards who are responsible and let them drift in their own filth until they flounder in it and suffer the just rewards instead of allowing them to place the onus of their detestable degradation on us. Since I noticed I have nothing good to say I will stop.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Drive on
Nothing is working to make the knee better. It doesn't keep me from doing normal activity but the range of motion is definitely diminished. I've been swimming, biking and bodyweight working out so I'm still near fighting shape. Maybe I'll say something about the economy soon but don't hold your breath unless you're doing breathing exercises.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
start over
I'm back and done. Ended up with hopefully minor injury that will heal. Must start over now. Tried to work through the injury but it's not working so I now feel I need to take off a while to see if that will work. I hate to slow down too much but if that will do the trick I'm for it. It's been a month so I need to do something different to get different results. Wish me well.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Get Tough
I'm on my way to Matthew Furey's Get Tough fitness seminar in Tampa, Fl. It will be a great time with good people and a valuable learning experience. Go to or for the details. If you haven't heard of it until now what a shame. Be there next time if not this one because it gets better every year. Maybe I'll give a synopsis of the events when I return on the 29th of May.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Fish Fry
Man I love fried fish. I'm from the south and my motto is if ain't fried it ain't cooked. I'm also lucky in the fact that I know a Captain of a grouper fishing boat who supplies me with real fresh fish on occasion. So I broke out the frozen fish and fried it up in my Wok outside over my grill flame. I used tempura batter but forgot to add the Old Bay seasoning which I will do the next time. This was shortly after my daily workout. Today I did 4x25 Hindu pushups 5x5 handstand pushups after holding the handstand as long as I could each attempt. I did 250 Hindu squats straight and 50 sumo squats for a total of 300. I also worked on splits and stretching with strand pulling exercises mixed in. I just dislike to get all specific but it was a good workout and I feel the results lingering.
I think it's time for everyone to start buying the things the really need and get rid of the credit card debts and such. The pundits are predicting dire consequences in the economy. I look at what they say and the last few economic slowdowns and such and I don't remember being affected that much. The price of gas and food going up is noticeable now but the last ones I didn't notice affect me because I didn't know they were happening. I didn't have any investments and lived only on the paycheck which is what I still do. I'll probably not want to travel and such because of the prices but I can see a fallout not expected from this downturn. Oh well, I will continue to practice writing on this forum and maybe even say something worthwhile before I'm done. Until them Mahabuhay Ya'll.
I think it's time for everyone to start buying the things the really need and get rid of the credit card debts and such. The pundits are predicting dire consequences in the economy. I look at what they say and the last few economic slowdowns and such and I don't remember being affected that much. The price of gas and food going up is noticeable now but the last ones I didn't notice affect me because I didn't know they were happening. I didn't have any investments and lived only on the paycheck which is what I still do. I'll probably not want to travel and such because of the prices but I can see a fallout not expected from this downturn. Oh well, I will continue to practice writing on this forum and maybe even say something worthwhile before I'm done. Until them Mahabuhay Ya'll.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
I knew this was going to happen. Get all fired up about the ridiculous restrictions on vitamins and discretionary health products for the public that are being proposed in various circles of authority to limit the health prospects for the masses from natural products because the elite have all the science and longevity products cornered so as to leave the rest of us in the dust. Mass poisoning from fluoride and genetically modified "GMO" products to decrease thought power and increase compliance is reprehensible.
Why is there a seed bank in inaccessible regions of Norway. Why has NASA not returned to the Moon? Why are we being terrorized by individuals who are no more than idiots or pawns of some controlling faction that remains anonymous. Please just leave me alone. I have prepared for some things and neglected others but indignation is my mode of being now. Please don't encroach my space because that's all I have now. I do not allow bugs to crawl on me if I can reach them. Peace, love, and mahabuhay (long live) to all.
Why is there a seed bank in inaccessible regions of Norway. Why has NASA not returned to the Moon? Why are we being terrorized by individuals who are no more than idiots or pawns of some controlling faction that remains anonymous. Please just leave me alone. I have prepared for some things and neglected others but indignation is my mode of being now. Please don't encroach my space because that's all I have now. I do not allow bugs to crawl on me if I can reach them. Peace, love, and mahabuhay (long live) to all.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
what's up
What's up with drugs in the water supply? Are we getting recycled piss water from our water providers? Recycled and full of other peoples dope and metabolites and laced with fluoride to dumb us down and make us more docile so we'll accept the unacceptable conditions handed to us by the "authorities". Those authorities are manipulating us into a recession, devaluing our buying power, increasing prices on everything, making housing unaffordable and planning how to quell us from rioting in the event that happens. It will of course after a time. Bring down the U. S. to third world status in order to put us in our place and render us ineffectual against the global amalgamation scheme. It's working too. When the banks have their holiday and we can't get our money and the FDIC can't cover our losses who we gonna complain to. The complaint department is closed. We are sold out. Left to fend for yourself with no benevolent benefactor what are you going to do? You have no idea do you? You aren't going to be told either, you have to seek out the answer on your own because that's where you are; on your own. There is plenty of info available if you look; it's just that most of it is unpalatable at best even if effective. I love those hackneyed expressions like that's the nature of the beast and so on. I have to take the position of Commodore John Paul Jones of the USS Bon Homme Richard when he made the famous quote, " I have not yet begun to fight". However the tactics needed and a long term strategy are very elusive. Just what advice do you take and who can you trust. I think like Stone Cold Steve Austin in that respect and DTA, don't trust anybody.
it seems
It seems the point of a blog is to write something. Hopefully it will be interesting to someone but I suppose it doesn't have to be if it is just an exercise or meditative type activity. I think that's what this shall be an exercise in writing and saying something. It doesn't matter what is said so much but that it is said. Everything one might say has been heard or read from someone else unless it is really proprietary material. I regularly listen to Alan Watt's blurbs and always download Red Ice Creations interviews with Henrick Palmgren. I also listen to Vyzygoth's Beyond the Grassy Knoll; glad he came back. I also listen to James McCanney's Science Hour. I like Jake Koetze's work on Brave New World Order, Mike Hagan's Radio Orbit, A.J. Bruno's Through the Looking Glass shape of things commentary really resonated with me. I like to hear what Michael Tsarion has to say and Jordan Maxwell, Richard Alan Miller, Jay Weidner, Jonathan Zap, Steve Quayle, and Neal Adams has the coolest theory of planetary development I've ever seen. There are many more influences for me out there as well but the one with the most immediate and quantitative influence has been Matthew Furey author of Combat Conditioning, a book of body weight exercises, as well as other books on maxing one's performance. This just scrapes the surface of influences that I carry in mind as I go about my day. Many thanks to those I've listed and many to those I haven't. So what is there to talk about that others haven't covered more in depth and eloquently? That is a rhetorical question. Let's just move on and see what happens.
Why the name?
The White Buffalo Gun Club is a state of mind. It is the hope of peace, balance, and harmony. It is loosely related to the native American legend which you can find out about on your own. The main theme will be freedom to think, do, and be what you will as you will. It may amount to little or nothing or something worthwhile; we'll see.
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