I knew this was going to happen. Get all fired up about the ridiculous restrictions on vitamins and discretionary health products for the public that are being proposed in various circles of authority to limit the health prospects for the masses from natural products because the elite have all the science and longevity products cornered so as to leave the rest of us in the dust. Mass poisoning from fluoride and genetically modified "GMO" products to decrease thought power and increase compliance is reprehensible.
Why is there a seed bank in inaccessible regions of Norway. Why has NASA not returned to the Moon? Why are we being terrorized by individuals who are no more than idiots or pawns of some controlling faction that remains anonymous. Please just leave me alone. I have prepared for some things and neglected others but indignation is my mode of being now. Please don't encroach my space because that's all I have now. I do not allow bugs to crawl on me if I can reach them. Peace, love, and mahabuhay (long live) to all.