RL101909-MON-I woke up thinking that all sellers try to get the bicameral brain working so that we take commands as if from the gods. Authority of voices from heaven so to speak to deliver us from evil and deliver their products to your door with additional shipping and handling charges. We must be divinely convinced that we can’t live without the secret of some such product. Sometimes it may be true but you can bet the majority of times it’s not. The godmen who have slain thousands of dragons can tell you how to do it too. It occurs to me that everyone is in an individual situation that is particular to him and following a cookbook recipe might not cut it. Since I am inclined not to do that I guess I won’t know until I do. I teach techniques in martial art that way though because I will say do it just like this while demonstrating a technique. I see that differently somehow though. No matter what there are nuances that can’t be taught to all because of stages of development. You must be developed enough to be able to recognize, get, feel, see, understand, or appreciate what it is. You can get by without it, you feel you don’t need it and it’s somewhat true, you can and don’t really. But if you want to be on the next level it’s something that becomes a must. I’ve come to think that most nuances must be found while training because as I say it’s not something easily taught. When you find one it is an edge and that must be why Musashi keeps saying that you must think on this deeply and constantly. That’s why Bo said it is what it is. I remember his pronouncing maneuver and it sounded like mani-over. Nobody else knew what he was talking about and that’s an example of a nuance.
To Chris Knowles: Princeton professor Julian Jaynes in his book “The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind” asserts that civilization was the result of hallucinations of the ancients. He does not say that it was due to entheogens but due to the structure and evolution of the brain, which could have been influenced by entheogens. I don’t want to repeat his entire thesis but it would be interesting for your perusal I’m sure. This is the third time I’ve read the book and only now does it make sense. He talks about Osirus, Apollo, Mayan and Cherokee mythology and archeological discoveries around the world. Now that I have a background of other material I can invision a relation with Sitchin’s work as well. One of the most poignant things he reports is a dig at Eynan and the king’s tomb dating to 9000BC where the skeletons were oriented to Mt. Hermon only thirty miles away and he references the Osirus myth as having possibly begun.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
What if...
DL101109SUN-J.J. was the hall monitor in a school that was also a dorm. I was assigned a top bunk and they were three high and totally unstable, mine collapsed with me on it and I wondered how anyone on any other level would survive. I attended class for some undefined subject and it consisted of building some type of part for who knows what. I somehow got the job of tutoring a careless kid who spilt water from a teapot everywhere because he would not watch what he was doing. And he would puke when we had to ride the ultra modern elevators that made it look like you were in the air because they were made of glass or at least clear on all sides. I don’t remember what subject I was supposed to tutor him or if I was just a babysitter. I must have been there to teach him how to defend himself. Thinking back now he looked a lot like me when I was in grammar school, he even wore the same glasses. That is pretty wild now that I think of it.
NDC-If I traveled in time either way to meet myself what would I do when I did. Say I go back and find me as a kid and tell my young self what? Would I be deterministic and say that you are going to be me and this is what you have done. Even though I am quite satisfied with how I’ve turned out there are other paths that I could have taken and they would have lead to varying degrees of success or disaster, The Skipper said, ”There is no failure, only a redefinition of objectives”. (It’s not the literal dream that’s important it’s the ideas that can spring from discussing that are important.) What was I interested in then would be more important than what I found out later to the developing boy. He would have been more interested in motorcycle racing than in Judo, and more into hard science like biology or chemistry rather than social science or anthropology, which would come later. Then he never had a desire to be cop and would have preferred religious training. The biggest common denominator for the two selves would be the interest in for want of better terms, the paranormal, and a desire to travel the world. Even earlier times the boy would play with his cousins and he would lead them on safari in the darkest jungles and the high veldt of Africa. When the boy was in the seventh grade they still let parents buy them junior chemistry sets with potentially deadly chemicals that I never heard of anyone dying from. One evening he was fooling around and found some sparklers from a past holiday and lit them in his room. When they had burned out he sat satisfied and leaned back in his chair hands behind his head and promptly tipped over backward making quite a ruckus. His mother and sister ran to see what the noise was and he was still on the floor laughing at his clumsiness. It was his little sister that started the story that he blew himself up with his chemistry set and it has been repeated so many times he almost believed it himself.
I would entice the kid by saying something like, “Hey kid wanna learn some martial art, it’ll make your motorcycle racing better. Instead of coming in second and third in your first two races I bet you can win. Especially since your third place finish was on a 175 in the 250 class on a bike you’d never rode until that race. If you win you just might get some sponsorship so you can keep on racing. With talent like yours you can only get better and better. Who knows someday you could be racing with Freddie Merkel or Bob the Hurricane Hannah or the future King Kenny Roberts.” The love of motorcycles and racing would be a theme that coursed through both lives.
I was in the Army stationed at FT. Ord, California on the Monterey Peninsula where there just happed to be a racetrack named Laguna Seca, which actually bordered the FT. The year was 1985, the race was the Champion Spark Plug 200, and I had my first chance to see live motorcycle roadracing. Most of the racers on the track that day would gain fame if they didn’t already have it. There were past and future world champions on the track that day and in those days the Americans were strong with the racing force. The most outstanding duo that day was Kenny Roberts and Randy Mamola. From the start of the main race they diced back and forth passing each other for the lead and passing everyone else that got in the way. I watched from the hill by the famous corkscrew curve and would run back and forth myself to see as much of the track as possible and follow the epic battle that was playing out in front of the crowd. I was totally thrilled when they would come out of turn 11 at the bottom of the hill and pass everyone on the way to star/finish on the back wheel. King Kenny was my hero then and I was routing for him but he had transmission problems and Randy Mamola won the race. I can’t find the race line-up but it had to be one of the best fields ever staged. Future world champions Fred Merkel, Wayne Rainey, Kevin Shwantz, Doug Chandler, Scott Russell were all in the Superbike race that day and Kenny and Randy in the F1 class. I was 28 at the time and hooked for life on both classes of racing. Had I been able to teach that kid martial art he might have been able to be on the track with all those heroes and not just one of the crowd watching.
NDC-If I traveled in time either way to meet myself what would I do when I did. Say I go back and find me as a kid and tell my young self what? Would I be deterministic and say that you are going to be me and this is what you have done. Even though I am quite satisfied with how I’ve turned out there are other paths that I could have taken and they would have lead to varying degrees of success or disaster, The Skipper said, ”There is no failure, only a redefinition of objectives”. (It’s not the literal dream that’s important it’s the ideas that can spring from discussing that are important.) What was I interested in then would be more important than what I found out later to the developing boy. He would have been more interested in motorcycle racing than in Judo, and more into hard science like biology or chemistry rather than social science or anthropology, which would come later. Then he never had a desire to be cop and would have preferred religious training. The biggest common denominator for the two selves would be the interest in for want of better terms, the paranormal, and a desire to travel the world. Even earlier times the boy would play with his cousins and he would lead them on safari in the darkest jungles and the high veldt of Africa. When the boy was in the seventh grade they still let parents buy them junior chemistry sets with potentially deadly chemicals that I never heard of anyone dying from. One evening he was fooling around and found some sparklers from a past holiday and lit them in his room. When they had burned out he sat satisfied and leaned back in his chair hands behind his head and promptly tipped over backward making quite a ruckus. His mother and sister ran to see what the noise was and he was still on the floor laughing at his clumsiness. It was his little sister that started the story that he blew himself up with his chemistry set and it has been repeated so many times he almost believed it himself.
I would entice the kid by saying something like, “Hey kid wanna learn some martial art, it’ll make your motorcycle racing better. Instead of coming in second and third in your first two races I bet you can win. Especially since your third place finish was on a 175 in the 250 class on a bike you’d never rode until that race. If you win you just might get some sponsorship so you can keep on racing. With talent like yours you can only get better and better. Who knows someday you could be racing with Freddie Merkel or Bob the Hurricane Hannah or the future King Kenny Roberts.” The love of motorcycles and racing would be a theme that coursed through both lives.
I was in the Army stationed at FT. Ord, California on the Monterey Peninsula where there just happed to be a racetrack named Laguna Seca, which actually bordered the FT. The year was 1985, the race was the Champion Spark Plug 200, and I had my first chance to see live motorcycle roadracing. Most of the racers on the track that day would gain fame if they didn’t already have it. There were past and future world champions on the track that day and in those days the Americans were strong with the racing force. The most outstanding duo that day was Kenny Roberts and Randy Mamola. From the start of the main race they diced back and forth passing each other for the lead and passing everyone else that got in the way. I watched from the hill by the famous corkscrew curve and would run back and forth myself to see as much of the track as possible and follow the epic battle that was playing out in front of the crowd. I was totally thrilled when they would come out of turn 11 at the bottom of the hill and pass everyone on the way to star/finish on the back wheel. King Kenny was my hero then and I was routing for him but he had transmission problems and Randy Mamola won the race. I can’t find the race line-up but it had to be one of the best fields ever staged. Future world champions Fred Merkel, Wayne Rainey, Kevin Shwantz, Doug Chandler, Scott Russell were all in the Superbike race that day and Kenny and Randy in the F1 class. I was 28 at the time and hooked for life on both classes of racing. Had I been able to teach that kid martial art he might have been able to be on the track with all those heroes and not just one of the crowd watching.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
It was around 1980 or 81 and I was recently married for the first time. So it had to be between June 6 1980 and May 5 1981. I was working in a grocery warehouse and paying my way through college. I don’t know how but my wife had convinced me to marry her and her dad paid for an elaborate wedding. I now forget where she worked but it was an office setting and I think she was actually a supervisor type. I won’t name her name as I’ve seen her once since our divorce which happened in Sept 81. And she obviously has no desire to talk to me and the feeling is mutual.
The whole point of the story I’m about to tell is to define a moment of realization and revelation that had a lifetime of implication. It is the reason I am affiliated with no group that I have meetings with and why I understand prejudice and random violence for what it is. It is why I detest groups who hate other groups because of their group affiliation and the fact that the hater has no idea of the individuals involved in the group.
I went to school during the day and worked at the warehouse from three in the afternoon to midnight. One night after working I was siting in my living room watching TV before going to bed. I was renting a house on a dead end street that was very quiet and sort of rural with my new wife. My land lord who lived across the street was a stocky guy with close cropped hair who I had little interaction with because I’d leave the rent check in his mail box and there was really no reason for us to talk unless we saw each other in the street for some reason, which was a rarity.
I was 23 when I got married so I couldn’t have been more than 24 at the time of the incident and I was still in college because I was determined to get a bachelors degree and I was in my sixth or seventh year of trying due to trying to live a life and go to school at the same time. I still can’t believe I was stupid enough to get married at the time. Like I said it was the early eighties and just coming out of the seventies where I was influenced by Kung Fu and Star Wars and the rock bands and the hippies and all that was going on at the time. I graduated High School in 1974 and was cognizant of the Vietnam War but I guess was anti-war because it seemed there was no sense to it. At the time I didn’t exercise but led an outdoor kind of life with hiking and swimming and such in the hills of Tennessee. And as I said I was enamoured with Kung Fu due to Bruce Lee Movies and David Carradine’s TV Show.
There was a knock at the door, which had a window at the top that I had to tip toe to look out and basically
all you could see was the top of someone’s head if they were tall enough to see at all. As I looked out all I could see was the top of a head that looked like my land lord and I thought there must be a problem that he needed help with so I opened the door. When I did some guy I had never seen before took a swing at me and the fight was on. At the time I weighed 150 soaking wet and the unknown assailant was around 200 at my estimate. The fight was an exchange of blows and went to the ground with him on top. I managed to reverse and get up as he was still on his knees. The only punch that I remember was one to his temple that I hoped would knock him out but didn’t. It stunned him enough to give him second thoughts about what he
had done though and he tackled me on to the couch. I had a fish tank at the time and much of the standup fight was trying to keep us away from the tank so as not to destroy it. When he tackled me to the couch I was able to get a partial guillotine choke on him although at the time I had no idea that it was called that. We exchanged a few words and since we were in a stalemate he said he gave up. Since I'm writing this 29 years later I don'’ remember the exact words but he keep his part of the bargain and was about to exit my front door when the wife put her hand on it and told him he couldn’t leave and had to wait for the police whom she had called at my behest during the fight. I told her that he was leaving and to get out of the way and let him do so.
I have no idea what she said when she talked to the police or even if we had 911 back in those days but it took between 45 minutes and an hour for the police to respond. In the mean time I discovered from my wife that the guy was the boyfriend of one of her co-workers who had taken offense at something she had said to her co-worker and being the gentleman he was he decided he’d beat me up because he couldn’t take his revenge out on a girl. I have to give him credit for the last part. To this day I don’t know his name although I’m sure I heard it and I don’t know who his girlfriend was either. I was later gratified to find out that he had two black eyes and big fat lips afterward. I had what I thought were cracked ribs but my face was unscathed. Who got the short end of the stick; I don’t know.
When the cop finally got there he told me that if I wanted to press charges that I would have to go to the courthouse or some such deal and fill out a complaint. That may have been the protocol of the day but if it had been where I live now the guy would have been charged at a minimum with battery and possibly burglary with battery. I was not pleased with that and it changed my life. I was wronged and physically attacked with intent to do bodily harm. I think it was providence more than luck that I came out of the ordeal in as good a shape as I did. There were many results from this one incident that have shaped my life since then. In fact I can say I am where I am today because of this pivotal happening.
The whole point of the story I’m about to tell is to define a moment of realization and revelation that had a lifetime of implication. It is the reason I am affiliated with no group that I have meetings with and why I understand prejudice and random violence for what it is. It is why I detest groups who hate other groups because of their group affiliation and the fact that the hater has no idea of the individuals involved in the group.
I went to school during the day and worked at the warehouse from three in the afternoon to midnight. One night after working I was siting in my living room watching TV before going to bed. I was renting a house on a dead end street that was very quiet and sort of rural with my new wife. My land lord who lived across the street was a stocky guy with close cropped hair who I had little interaction with because I’d leave the rent check in his mail box and there was really no reason for us to talk unless we saw each other in the street for some reason, which was a rarity.
I was 23 when I got married so I couldn’t have been more than 24 at the time of the incident and I was still in college because I was determined to get a bachelors degree and I was in my sixth or seventh year of trying due to trying to live a life and go to school at the same time. I still can’t believe I was stupid enough to get married at the time. Like I said it was the early eighties and just coming out of the seventies where I was influenced by Kung Fu and Star Wars and the rock bands and the hippies and all that was going on at the time. I graduated High School in 1974 and was cognizant of the Vietnam War but I guess was anti-war because it seemed there was no sense to it. At the time I didn’t exercise but led an outdoor kind of life with hiking and swimming and such in the hills of Tennessee. And as I said I was enamoured with Kung Fu due to Bruce Lee Movies and David Carradine’s TV Show.
There was a knock at the door, which had a window at the top that I had to tip toe to look out and basically
all you could see was the top of someone’s head if they were tall enough to see at all. As I looked out all I could see was the top of a head that looked like my land lord and I thought there must be a problem that he needed help with so I opened the door. When I did some guy I had never seen before took a swing at me and the fight was on. At the time I weighed 150 soaking wet and the unknown assailant was around 200 at my estimate. The fight was an exchange of blows and went to the ground with him on top. I managed to reverse and get up as he was still on his knees. The only punch that I remember was one to his temple that I hoped would knock him out but didn’t. It stunned him enough to give him second thoughts about what he
had done though and he tackled me on to the couch. I had a fish tank at the time and much of the standup fight was trying to keep us away from the tank so as not to destroy it. When he tackled me to the couch I was able to get a partial guillotine choke on him although at the time I had no idea that it was called that. We exchanged a few words and since we were in a stalemate he said he gave up. Since I'm writing this 29 years later I don'’ remember the exact words but he keep his part of the bargain and was about to exit my front door when the wife put her hand on it and told him he couldn’t leave and had to wait for the police whom she had called at my behest during the fight. I told her that he was leaving and to get out of the way and let him do so.
I have no idea what she said when she talked to the police or even if we had 911 back in those days but it took between 45 minutes and an hour for the police to respond. In the mean time I discovered from my wife that the guy was the boyfriend of one of her co-workers who had taken offense at something she had said to her co-worker and being the gentleman he was he decided he’d beat me up because he couldn’t take his revenge out on a girl. I have to give him credit for the last part. To this day I don’t know his name although I’m sure I heard it and I don’t know who his girlfriend was either. I was later gratified to find out that he had two black eyes and big fat lips afterward. I had what I thought were cracked ribs but my face was unscathed. Who got the short end of the stick; I don’t know.
When the cop finally got there he told me that if I wanted to press charges that I would have to go to the courthouse or some such deal and fill out a complaint. That may have been the protocol of the day but if it had been where I live now the guy would have been charged at a minimum with battery and possibly burglary with battery. I was not pleased with that and it changed my life. I was wronged and physically attacked with intent to do bodily harm. I think it was providence more than luck that I came out of the ordeal in as good a shape as I did. There were many results from this one incident that have shaped my life since then. In fact I can say I am where I am today because of this pivotal happening.
Monday, June 8, 2009
While lying in bed trying to sleep I often think of profound thoughts that disappear upon arising. Much like any dream I believe those thoughts are still there somehow influencing the outlook on life that one has but the exact form in which they came out are gone and irretrievable. One thought was that the imagination is truly limitless and that thoughts are in the air to be picked like ripe fruit. Back to dreams I had one that fully formed a whole scheme to make money but it was based on a government type plan. The same type of plan that is used by organized crime. If you look at how both operate you will see little difference and much similarity. And the dream I had was funny because its system was based on making money from other peoples stuff. It even had a code name because it was also military type operation. All those kind of ops are cons or misdirection ops. They try to convince you that they are doing one thing while really doing something completely different. It’s much like the game of convincing you that depriving you of your privacy and due process is somehow good for you; an example of that would be red-light cameras. They try to convince you that if it saves one life the expense to all is worth it. But there is a Corp. that benefits from all the fines and they do absolutely nothing in the form of service to society to get it. Those cameras do not prevent crashes and they save no ones life but there they are costing people money who may be a second too late on the brakes. The lights are supposed to be timed so that there is a delay that takes into account at least three seconds or so to give the tardy to the party driver a chance to get through the intersection before the stopped drivers take off. The real problems only occur when that system is totally ignored and someone goes through the light at significantly late times with disregard for everyone and all that’s decent. At which point cameras are not needed to figure out what happened.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Our "leaders" really care; NOT!
How in thee Hell can anyone believe that the elected reps of any state care about anyone. At a time when people are losing money on a personal basis because all the wealth has been pirated with their help they raise the price of all "services" or the "privileges" they allow you to pay for like licenses and registrations for vehicles. No one wants to buy a car due to the manufactures uncertain futures, much less pay extra for the old one in the driveway.
Bleed the people dry is a tyrannical pogrom. They are deliberately in their actions picking a fight with people who believe in the dignity and rights of the individual. They seem to want to poke us with a stick while we are locked in our cage. Might I remind them of what happened to the guy at the Chimp park who tried to act like their friend while perpetuating their captivity; he got his package deleted and his face ripped off by two or more Chimps who tactically out numbered him and completely overpowered him due to their strength difference in up to a 30 to 1 ratio. Yes, this could happen to anyone by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Don't go poking the animals in the cages unless you can take that kind of beating and not complain is the moral of this story.
Bleed the people dry is a tyrannical pogrom. They are deliberately in their actions picking a fight with people who believe in the dignity and rights of the individual. They seem to want to poke us with a stick while we are locked in our cage. Might I remind them of what happened to the guy at the Chimp park who tried to act like their friend while perpetuating their captivity; he got his package deleted and his face ripped off by two or more Chimps who tactically out numbered him and completely overpowered him due to their strength difference in up to a 30 to 1 ratio. Yes, this could happen to anyone by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Don't go poking the animals in the cages unless you can take that kind of beating and not complain is the moral of this story.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Celestial events
This from Goro Adachi at etemenanki.com..."On Wednesday morning, April 22nd, Earth will pass through a stream of comet dust, giving rise to the annual Lyrid meteor shower. At the same time, the crescent Moon and Venus will converge for a close encounter in the eastern sky. Viewed from some parts of the world, the Moon will pass directly in front of Venus, causing Venus to vanish. [...]"
Saturday, April 11, 2009
A little proper information should get plenty of mileage. For instance, it was explained to me the real difference between conservative and liberal today has been twisted by doublespeak spin so as to be unrecognizable. The real deal is that conservative means that one has inalienable rights that no government can trample without just and due reprisal. It means that one keeps the fruits of his labor and distributes them as he sees fit. It means that one takes personal responsibility for one's safety and does not rely on remote resources to intervene when the chips are down. He supports his local Sheriff if he can but he does not expect calling 911 will solve any problem but may get him a report if needed. All that means being proficient at arms, Ls&Gs. That is the basic conservative view upon which I am sure to expand later.
Now for the liberal. The modern liberal label means that one believes everyone else is stupid and unable to decide what is best for him and his. Therefore the liberal is obliged to decide for everyone what is god and right. You might think I meant good in that last sentence but think again. He will tell you what to do and when to do it. He will decide how much of your wages he will take and on what that portion will be spent. When the liberal says jump he wants you to ask how high. When he says sacrifice he wants you to ask how much although he already knows it's more than anyone can bear or imagine. To the liberal the laws apply to everyone but him because of his superiority. He may skimp or not pay taxes for a few years and he can come up with any lame excuse and expect to be pardoned by all, but let you, Ls&Gs, do that and he'll cry for your head or the max sentence and fine. I don't have to name names nor cite examples because if you are the average person going about his business trying to make ends meet and not hurt anyone else you know what's happening because it's in your face.
Now for the liberal. The modern liberal label means that one believes everyone else is stupid and unable to decide what is best for him and his. Therefore the liberal is obliged to decide for everyone what is god and right. You might think I meant good in that last sentence but think again. He will tell you what to do and when to do it. He will decide how much of your wages he will take and on what that portion will be spent. When the liberal says jump he wants you to ask how high. When he says sacrifice he wants you to ask how much although he already knows it's more than anyone can bear or imagine. To the liberal the laws apply to everyone but him because of his superiority. He may skimp or not pay taxes for a few years and he can come up with any lame excuse and expect to be pardoned by all, but let you, Ls&Gs, do that and he'll cry for your head or the max sentence and fine. I don't have to name names nor cite examples because if you are the average person going about his business trying to make ends meet and not hurt anyone else you know what's happening because it's in your face.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Since I know my status will change soon as far as employment I have been having dreams that emphasize people I have worked with over the past 20 years. There is always the element of what will happen next and the anticipation of what should happen. I suppose it is nightmarish because I wake up and can't go back to sleep. It's funny because most of the people in the dreams are ones I haven't closely worked with for 10 years or more.
I think some of the dreams may be futuristic as in one where I had a broken hand and sought a healer to help with it. I'm glad nobody reads my blog because it is mainly aimed at my memory in the future. I have neglected to properly record events as they occurred and now have to rely on memory which seems highly flawed especially the longer removed from the event. Some things seem like yesterday, apparently because it meant something, and others are very vague because I don't give a rat's ass; even if they would be interesting and entertaining stories. I can see all the peoples faces even if I can't remember their names. It must be more important to recognize a face than to know the name in the scheme of things and I can see that difference. It is a survival element; names are labels faces are real. One must recognize hostile immediately.
I think some of the dreams may be futuristic as in one where I had a broken hand and sought a healer to help with it. I'm glad nobody reads my blog because it is mainly aimed at my memory in the future. I have neglected to properly record events as they occurred and now have to rely on memory which seems highly flawed especially the longer removed from the event. Some things seem like yesterday, apparently because it meant something, and others are very vague because I don't give a rat's ass; even if they would be interesting and entertaining stories. I can see all the peoples faces even if I can't remember their names. It must be more important to recognize a face than to know the name in the scheme of things and I can see that difference. It is a survival element; names are labels faces are real. One must recognize hostile immediately.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
New Beginning
With every new beginning something comes to and end. I am changing my employment status in the near future. Those I currently work with have already given me the boot so to speak at least mentally. I've seen it in the past many times. As soon as someone leaves the only question is by whom will they be replaced and it is hoped that person won't be a bigger asshole. Thing is, I expected it so I'm not shocked.
In this scenario nothing is remembered of anything substantial one has contributed and if one is talked about at all it is mostly where others can construe that you F'd-up.
That leads me to comment that today is the day MLK Jr. was assassinated back in '68. I was a kid in JR. High school and barely noticed. I pay attention now because I realize it will always be relevant realistically and metaphorically in relation to the previous paragraph. The killing of one's enemies is so much easier than fighting their ideas, in fact it takes much more to destroy the ideas than the person. The person stands for something; it is usually the something they stand for that is feared or hated much more than the person. It is just aberrational thinking on the part of the fearer/hater/paid thug that they strike out at the person because they can only eradicate him and not for what he stands.
On a much smaller scale diminishing or ignoring a persons "bona fides" is a minor assassination of that person. There are ways to protect one's self from these comparatively minor attacks so that the little irritations bounce off like raindrops on an umbrella or for the more dramatically inclined, like bullets off Superman.
In this scenario nothing is remembered of anything substantial one has contributed and if one is talked about at all it is mostly where others can construe that you F'd-up.
That leads me to comment that today is the day MLK Jr. was assassinated back in '68. I was a kid in JR. High school and barely noticed. I pay attention now because I realize it will always be relevant realistically and metaphorically in relation to the previous paragraph. The killing of one's enemies is so much easier than fighting their ideas, in fact it takes much more to destroy the ideas than the person. The person stands for something; it is usually the something they stand for that is feared or hated much more than the person. It is just aberrational thinking on the part of the fearer/hater/paid thug that they strike out at the person because they can only eradicate him and not for what he stands.
On a much smaller scale diminishing or ignoring a persons "bona fides" is a minor assassination of that person. There are ways to protect one's self from these comparatively minor attacks so that the little irritations bounce off like raindrops on an umbrella or for the more dramatically inclined, like bullets off Superman.
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