Since someone has said most of what I think is important somewhere in the past, the link to the article here:
which was written by John Gatto in 1994. It is even more true now if such can be the case.
I guess in a way my putting it here is proof that we are mostly told what to think and don't do much thinking for ourselves. I resemble many of his remarks about education and time spent in youth as well as in the not too distant past.
A couple of days ago I started to write a blog with the exact same title but then was interrupted and decided to put it off. I'm glad that happened and that I ran across this article instead.
If you have time to read it please do.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
copy and paste the link if you can't click on it
How about a possible explanation for some hard to explain phenomena: marine mammal beachings, power outages, weather anomalies, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, suicides, outbreaks of violence, satellites colliding, freak waves, disrupted migration patterns of wild animals and birds, and whatever else one can call up. See the article at the link provided while you can; I suspect it won't last there too long.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
I was talking to a friend and the conversation turned toward armed citizens. I advocated that all persons should be armed who wish to be armed with whatever weapon they may prefer. Gun, stick, or knife doesn't matter to me; any exotic weapon is okay too. I also advocate no restrictions on where they may be carried such as bar, restaurant, government buildings, houses of worship, airplanes,anywhere would be allowed. We both used to be peace officers and are now retired. He thinks that there should be total restriction of who when and where anyone can or should be armed.
A little discussion is in order. Look at all the restrictions in place, it's impossible to know them all you'll need a team of people to keep track and they seem to want to add more everyday. The more restrictions the less freedom must be axiomatic. I want to live in a free society not a relatively free society or one where people have been led to believe they are free because it's been said so many times they believe the hype. I want to live where one is required to think for oneself and make decisions on what one knows and perceives, not a place where there is a rule for everything; rules are for people who can't think for themselves.
You may say that there is a plethora of those people around but if you talk to a total stranger they may agree but you'll be hard pressed to find a stranger or friend who counts himself among the number of people who can't think for themselves. Where are they and why do they exist at all if they do. You can always find a number of people who disagree with any point that you make or hold true just like my friend and I disagree but we both think for ourselves. I don't want to tell you what to think but if you ask I can tell you what I think.
The discussion between me and my friend focused on armed persons in a bar due to time constraints. He maintains that people in a bar are more likely to go off because of lowered inhibitions due to alcohol consumption. I agree with that when all people in that bar are considered unarmed and have varying degrees of response to hostile behavior. An hypothetical example would be a mean bad ass who sizes up a wimp and decides to harass him in order to pick a fight. The mean bad ass decides he can take the wimp with one hand tied behind his back due to his perception of the wimp and his ability to respond physically. Even I will agree that bullies of different types exist as history has proved. In this scenario the fight is on and game over, the bully gets his jollies. Next evolution the situation is that everyone you see it in the bar is possibly armed with some kind of weapon that you the bad ass cannot perceive for the moment. Who you gonna call on now if the wrong move can get some kind of hole poked in you. It causes the bully to think about things that otherwise would not be considered. It will make him less reckless and increase his inhibitions unless he is flat out crazy and then there is all the more reason for everyone else to be armed. Unless there are a bunch of those people in there who can't think for themselves, those would be the ones unarmed by the way, I think that there would be less drinking to excess and less throwing caution to the wind. I realize that it is just an opinion though.
You can what if the situation and argue all day over it. I kind of like some cliches so I'll throw in a few. An armed society is a polite society. God made man but Colonel Colt made them equal. If you don't agree with me, you sir, are worse than Hitler. He who doesn't learn from history is bound to repeat it. All the plans of mice and men can go aft aptly. Lead, follow, or get out of the way. What you do doesn't determine what happens to you and what happens to you doesn't determine what you do. There are some of my favorites. The last one is a humdinger that I still can't wrap my head around.
So you arm yourself, train yourself, and become proficient at arms which doesn't guarantee the outcome of any situation in which you find arms necessary. I consider it a hedge at least. It will generally increase your awareness and effect some decisions like when and where you should be and what you are doing. If it doesn't count yourself among those who cannot think find a leader or guru or dictator to tell you what you can or cannot do and follow the herd. That may seem harsh and it is.
People are responsible for some of what they think, we have all been misinformed, and most of what we do no matter what happens to us. You may counter that if you are shot and die what happened to you did determine what you did. I would certainly have to agree in the end but there were numerous factors involved that may have mitigated for or against that could have been influenced with or without sufficient awareness. It is only a discussion after all.
A little discussion is in order. Look at all the restrictions in place, it's impossible to know them all you'll need a team of people to keep track and they seem to want to add more everyday. The more restrictions the less freedom must be axiomatic. I want to live in a free society not a relatively free society or one where people have been led to believe they are free because it's been said so many times they believe the hype. I want to live where one is required to think for oneself and make decisions on what one knows and perceives, not a place where there is a rule for everything; rules are for people who can't think for themselves.
You may say that there is a plethora of those people around but if you talk to a total stranger they may agree but you'll be hard pressed to find a stranger or friend who counts himself among the number of people who can't think for themselves. Where are they and why do they exist at all if they do. You can always find a number of people who disagree with any point that you make or hold true just like my friend and I disagree but we both think for ourselves. I don't want to tell you what to think but if you ask I can tell you what I think.
The discussion between me and my friend focused on armed persons in a bar due to time constraints. He maintains that people in a bar are more likely to go off because of lowered inhibitions due to alcohol consumption. I agree with that when all people in that bar are considered unarmed and have varying degrees of response to hostile behavior. An hypothetical example would be a mean bad ass who sizes up a wimp and decides to harass him in order to pick a fight. The mean bad ass decides he can take the wimp with one hand tied behind his back due to his perception of the wimp and his ability to respond physically. Even I will agree that bullies of different types exist as history has proved. In this scenario the fight is on and game over, the bully gets his jollies. Next evolution the situation is that everyone you see it in the bar is possibly armed with some kind of weapon that you the bad ass cannot perceive for the moment. Who you gonna call on now if the wrong move can get some kind of hole poked in you. It causes the bully to think about things that otherwise would not be considered. It will make him less reckless and increase his inhibitions unless he is flat out crazy and then there is all the more reason for everyone else to be armed. Unless there are a bunch of those people in there who can't think for themselves, those would be the ones unarmed by the way, I think that there would be less drinking to excess and less throwing caution to the wind. I realize that it is just an opinion though.
You can what if the situation and argue all day over it. I kind of like some cliches so I'll throw in a few. An armed society is a polite society. God made man but Colonel Colt made them equal. If you don't agree with me, you sir, are worse than Hitler. He who doesn't learn from history is bound to repeat it. All the plans of mice and men can go aft aptly. Lead, follow, or get out of the way. What you do doesn't determine what happens to you and what happens to you doesn't determine what you do. There are some of my favorites. The last one is a humdinger that I still can't wrap my head around.
So you arm yourself, train yourself, and become proficient at arms which doesn't guarantee the outcome of any situation in which you find arms necessary. I consider it a hedge at least. It will generally increase your awareness and effect some decisions like when and where you should be and what you are doing. If it doesn't count yourself among those who cannot think find a leader or guru or dictator to tell you what you can or cannot do and follow the herd. That may seem harsh and it is.
People are responsible for some of what they think, we have all been misinformed, and most of what we do no matter what happens to us. You may counter that if you are shot and die what happened to you did determine what you did. I would certainly have to agree in the end but there were numerous factors involved that may have mitigated for or against that could have been influenced with or without sufficient awareness. It is only a discussion after all.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
What do you really know?
If I haven't done it, seen it happen, tasted, smelled, heard, or felt it can I say I know it? Everything other than those I've been told, read, or rely on someone else for that knowledge, or come to my own conclusions taking those things into consideration.
Therein lies the conundrum. I am of the opinion that one does not need to experience something to know whether it is desirable, repugnant, foolhardy, or just to be avoided. For instance I would not want to be shot, stabbed, car wrecked, shipwrecked, or otherwise put through painful scenarios even if I've never experienced them. It is possible to learn from others who have been where you have not.
It is also possible to believe things exist that you've never seen or that you are likely never to see. I have to believe that UFOs are real only because of the number of people who have reported seeing them even without the photographic evidence of such things.
Other things are harder to believe or maybe said better to understand or know. I understand the theory of relativity and its implications vaguely but I can't do the calculations. Better yet, how does a quarterback complete a pass to a receiver when both are in motion and everything is literally up in the air? Same thing for a basketball player making shots from different places on the court; how does one gauge the force needed to complete the basket? These are things that have to be done to be known; is there a formula?
The bottom line is that I know what I know but you can't be sure about that and I must doubt you as well. Belief doesn't make anything so. Much knowledge and many things are unbelievable. Many beliefs are not valid nor true knowledge.
When in an adversarial situation it is important to know what the adversary believes so that you may have a better chance to thwart him than to assert your own beliefs because they matter not to him unless he is a truly worthy opponent.
Therein lies the conundrum. I am of the opinion that one does not need to experience something to know whether it is desirable, repugnant, foolhardy, or just to be avoided. For instance I would not want to be shot, stabbed, car wrecked, shipwrecked, or otherwise put through painful scenarios even if I've never experienced them. It is possible to learn from others who have been where you have not.
It is also possible to believe things exist that you've never seen or that you are likely never to see. I have to believe that UFOs are real only because of the number of people who have reported seeing them even without the photographic evidence of such things.
Other things are harder to believe or maybe said better to understand or know. I understand the theory of relativity and its implications vaguely but I can't do the calculations. Better yet, how does a quarterback complete a pass to a receiver when both are in motion and everything is literally up in the air? Same thing for a basketball player making shots from different places on the court; how does one gauge the force needed to complete the basket? These are things that have to be done to be known; is there a formula?
The bottom line is that I know what I know but you can't be sure about that and I must doubt you as well. Belief doesn't make anything so. Much knowledge and many things are unbelievable. Many beliefs are not valid nor true knowledge.
When in an adversarial situation it is important to know what the adversary believes so that you may have a better chance to thwart him than to assert your own beliefs because they matter not to him unless he is a truly worthy opponent.
After Consideration
I decided that I was too hasty in my conclusion to try to work up a "hate". I can't do it. It is too energy wasteful, expensive, draining, etc. Also with so much out there to spontaneously throw you into some kind of spin I've decided that I can wait for such an occasion, while at the same time trying to avoid one, before I test my theory on whether my tearing the phone book was a fluke. To be scientifically responsible experiments must be replicated or repeatable to be valid. If I am to get a true test of my theory I should wait to replicate the circumstances so as to be accurate in my assessment.
The trouble with that seems to be that the circumstances are not replicable and science has nothing to do with emotional outbursts unless it is in some political, that is agenda driven, way. The same circumstance I found myself in could have elicited or been met with any number of possible responses such as acceptance, indifference, humor, denial, gratitude, etc. Rather than be bitter, which is energy inefficient I've come to be grateful which is much more pleasant.
Is it Orwellian "doublespeak" to hate hate? Can it be done? What about love hate or hate love; aren't they the same some how which ever way you say it. I don't know I'm just asking. I do know I want to avoid hate but think it can't be done. It seems that all history for the most part is controlled by it. I hate it when that happens.
Men, ideas, religions, customs, forms of government or lack thereof are more or less hated by groups and individuals. I hate tyranny and can't tolerate it but then that makes me tyrannical maybe; how's that work? Should I say that I just don't approve of a thing or idea or even a person. That I don't accept, I don't submit, I won't sign onto or up for, or refuse to recognize the validity or authority of something or some one cannot protect me from any harm they may cause.
No matter what if you can't provide all your needs by yourself, and you can't, you are a pawn in multiple games on many levels like the multi-layered chess boards seen in Star Trek and other SciFi adventures. Why do I stray here? I'm thinking in terms of holding conflicting beliefs and not even knowing it.
In school I was taught that George Armstrong Custer was a patriot, a warrior, an officer and a gentleman who met a tragic death at the hands of savages and he and his men are memorialized. I was taught that Hitler was a dictator, possibly a madman or syphilitic occultist who would have conquered the world if allowed and he should be reviled forever. Both could be true but the common thread between the two is that they supported and furthered genocide as program and policy. The problem I have here is that although ultimately responsible for the death of many I can't remember Hitler actually killing anybody after becoming fuhrer, maybe he did as a corporal in WWI. Custer was in the thick of it himself killing men and animals, probably women and children too in his attempt to eradicate complete cultures. I think Custer even had ambitions to be president one day. What is the difference between the two? What does it all boil down to? I think I can conclude safely that both were murderous if not murdering bastards maybe even literally but especially figuratively. One held in esteem and the other loathsome. Somewhere between the two hate is a common denominator.
I tell what I think in order not to tell how others think because how can I know except to extrapolate from some theorized common denominator of being human. This has only got me back to where I started and is going nowhere fast.
The trouble with that seems to be that the circumstances are not replicable and science has nothing to do with emotional outbursts unless it is in some political, that is agenda driven, way. The same circumstance I found myself in could have elicited or been met with any number of possible responses such as acceptance, indifference, humor, denial, gratitude, etc. Rather than be bitter, which is energy inefficient I've come to be grateful which is much more pleasant.
Is it Orwellian "doublespeak" to hate hate? Can it be done? What about love hate or hate love; aren't they the same some how which ever way you say it. I don't know I'm just asking. I do know I want to avoid hate but think it can't be done. It seems that all history for the most part is controlled by it. I hate it when that happens.
Men, ideas, religions, customs, forms of government or lack thereof are more or less hated by groups and individuals. I hate tyranny and can't tolerate it but then that makes me tyrannical maybe; how's that work? Should I say that I just don't approve of a thing or idea or even a person. That I don't accept, I don't submit, I won't sign onto or up for, or refuse to recognize the validity or authority of something or some one cannot protect me from any harm they may cause.
No matter what if you can't provide all your needs by yourself, and you can't, you are a pawn in multiple games on many levels like the multi-layered chess boards seen in Star Trek and other SciFi adventures. Why do I stray here? I'm thinking in terms of holding conflicting beliefs and not even knowing it.
In school I was taught that George Armstrong Custer was a patriot, a warrior, an officer and a gentleman who met a tragic death at the hands of savages and he and his men are memorialized. I was taught that Hitler was a dictator, possibly a madman or syphilitic occultist who would have conquered the world if allowed and he should be reviled forever. Both could be true but the common thread between the two is that they supported and furthered genocide as program and policy. The problem I have here is that although ultimately responsible for the death of many I can't remember Hitler actually killing anybody after becoming fuhrer, maybe he did as a corporal in WWI. Custer was in the thick of it himself killing men and animals, probably women and children too in his attempt to eradicate complete cultures. I think Custer even had ambitions to be president one day. What is the difference between the two? What does it all boil down to? I think I can conclude safely that both were murderous if not murdering bastards maybe even literally but especially figuratively. One held in esteem and the other loathsome. Somewhere between the two hate is a common denominator.
I tell what I think in order not to tell how others think because how can I know except to extrapolate from some theorized common denominator of being human. This has only got me back to where I started and is going nowhere fast.
Monday, March 8, 2010
I had the pleasure of a root canal today. Last Tues. or so my jaw started hurting and I finally narrowed it down to the last molar bottom right. So I call the dentist on Friday and they are out training. I'm a wuss when it comes to chronic pain and I couldn't shake it. I have had sensitivities before and outlasted them but this was different. I went in to the dentist this morning and he acted like this is a common thing and it's no big deal we can fix it the only question is do you want to save the tooth or pull it. What kind of dumb ass ? is that; of course I want my tooth. Okay so the rigmarole ends up costing me out of pocket 1142. My insurance will cover 1140 and a three week treatment plan. Since I am inclined to believe all such shit is a rip when I got home I needed to clean the garage of all the junk. I was saving phone books to work on tearing so they were the first thing I decided I probably wouldn't be doing soon so I grabbed them to put in the recycle bin. I was in a mood so I decided I'd try to rip one for the hell of it. I grabbed it like it was the throat of the ripoff medical profession and to my utter amazement ripped that sob in half in like 15 seconds. I've done it before but it took minutes to get it apart. The one I ripped was like an inch and a half or so. So I kept the phone books and will do one every day until this deal is over. I got a couple over two inches thick so I'll try to work up a hate tomorrow and see if I can do one of those. I can't even remember the last time I tried one but I've been doing some grip work and unless it was all hate it seems to have paid off. It was probably a fluke but I'll test it and report on the results.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
2 hours with William Henry
On Saturday 2-27-10 I had the pleasure of seeing William Henry's presentation on his newest release Freedom's Gate. To say it was interesting is total understatement as it was thought provoking and uplifting. There's no need for me to repeat anything as you can check it for yourself here:
I bought the book to delve deeper into the things we've not been told during our public educations. I've been looking into similar studies recently anyway. Any patriot and or person interested in history and or religion should check it out as it will rock most popular paradigms. It definitely appealed to my avatar the Maverick Pawn.
I bought the book to delve deeper into the things we've not been told during our public educations. I've been looking into similar studies recently anyway. Any patriot and or person interested in history and or religion should check it out as it will rock most popular paradigms. It definitely appealed to my avatar the Maverick Pawn.
Monday, January 11, 2010
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