
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Fish Fry

Man I love fried fish. I'm from the south and my motto is if ain't fried it ain't cooked. I'm also lucky in the fact that I know a Captain of a grouper fishing boat who supplies me with real fresh fish on occasion. So I broke out the frozen fish and fried it up in my Wok outside over my grill flame. I used tempura batter but forgot to add the Old Bay seasoning which I will do the next time. This was shortly after my daily workout. Today I did 4x25 Hindu pushups 5x5 handstand pushups after holding the handstand as long as I could each attempt. I did 250 Hindu squats straight and 50 sumo squats for a total of 300. I also worked on splits and stretching with strand pulling exercises mixed in. I just dislike to get all specific but it was a good workout and I feel the results lingering.
I think it's time for everyone to start buying the things the really need and get rid of the credit card debts and such. The pundits are predicting dire consequences in the economy. I look at what they say and the last few economic slowdowns and such and I don't remember being affected that much. The price of gas and food going up is noticeable now but the last ones I didn't notice affect me because I didn't know they were happening. I didn't have any investments and lived only on the paycheck which is what I still do. I'll probably not want to travel and such because of the prices but I can see a fallout not expected from this downturn. Oh well, I will continue to practice writing on this forum and maybe even say something worthwhile before I'm done. Until them Mahabuhay Ya'll.

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